
I’ve always had a keen interest in the natural world, and in particular how people interact with the earth. I think this is reflected in many of my landscape photographs, with the addition of man made features. This shows the human influence on our landscape, and how people have lived on, from and hopefully with the earth. I do also love coastal landscape and seascape photography. In these areas, however, it can be a little harder to find man’s influence, so these photographs can tend to be a bit more natural.

In contrast to my landscape and seascape work, I also have an interest in aviation photography. This probably stems from childhood and many days spent at airshows around the country. I naturally have a fascination with powerful machines, and this is grown into wanting to photographically capture those moments when skilled pilots demonstrate their planes at their best.

As an amateur photographer, most of my time is spent working or with family. This leaves only a small amount of time for photography. I wouldn’t have it any other way. But it does start to describe the problems many amateur photographers like myself struggle with.
